Thursday, 17 January 2008

Remembering my dreams!

We all have dreams; Good dreams, bad dreams, sexy dreams, scary dreams, dreamy dreams, happy dreams, straight happy dreams, bizarre dreams, confusing dreams, random dreams, hopping dreams and the list just never seem to end.

Then there's the dream-that-you-never-forget dream, the remember-a-few-days dream, or the instantly-forget-once-you-wake-up dream. Just making a rough estimate, I'd say the proportion would be something like 1%, 20% and 79% respectively.

So my long-winded-ness finally has to come to and end. I'll - - - START RECORDING MY DREAMS. I'll either write it down, or record it with my handphone, so I won't forget it.

Here's one dream that I remembered, happened only a couple of days ago so it belonged to the 20% of dreams that I have. Take note that I would not disclose certain things, like identity,if it has the below criteria:
  • Having to do with my personal life
  • Others misinterpreting my dreams for something that is not
  • No idea who the person is in my dream (figment of my imagination)
Anyway lets dive right in: (due to me writing this so long after it happened, I might have missed out major details, wont happen again :P )

My Dream
I was at this mall with A (A is my gf at the moment) then we were just walking about. Then A had to go do something so her sister B came and walk with me instead (B popped out of nowhere I must say), for some weird reason suddenly B looks so adorable and without knowing (or feeling nervous, or scared) I just leaned in and kiss her; and she kissed back! We did this 'small pecking' for a couple of times before it started to feel weird. Sad to say, A never came back and caused a huge showdown. I guess I woke up after that, feelings like, whoaaa~!

My Interpretation
Sometimes we want to do things we can't do. Killing our boring lecturer, dating Tracy's mom, masturbating on live television (ok maybe not), its the thrill of doing something we can't. The more we can't, the more we want. Someone once used the phrase 'playing with fire'. I know in real life I'd probably never go out with my gf's sister, but in dreamland, anything's possible :)


h.3.l.3.n said...

can i choose wad dreams i want to come true?

Anonymous said...

... but seriously tech, when u finally have it and lose what you had, u'll realize that it's not worth it. rumput is always more hijau on your jiran house. :)

so better stick to your dreams, at least you can have both. that's my opinion la, but u know me, i only cakap the truth. hahaha

Eric Koay said...

hahaha true true...
lalang also more hijau in the jiran house compared to our own rumput... not worth it at all... only thing syok is getting it, once got liau no fun d hehe...

Eric Koay said...

helen wat has this got to do with my blog post?
are you just talking about your own dream?

pp said... wun know its not reeli greener unless u reeli go there n see wad...don la go n cabut all ur rumput n plant ur neighbour's rumput onli to realise its not green..haha...curi curi go ur neighbour's house..then if it is reali not green, climb back to your house lo...

Eric Koay said...

waahahhaha nice one...
but wat if halfway u curi curi go then ur neighbour come home and kantuikan you leh?
maybe its just better to just be happy with your own grass ler..

Anonymous said...

for my case, my jiran-jiran's rumputs will all merebak to my garden, so i no need climb fence.


ihsan_huhu said...

"..I guess I woke up after that, feelings like, whoaaa~! .."

i wonder...

Eric Koay said...

then go toilet tukar seluar izit?

lookenneth said...

do i know you?

Eric Koay said...

hm kuching, probably not. maybe i know u thru helen ngu

Des said...

ai che che...motech is reli back!

ma can remember dream wan..after wake up...suak liao!

Eric Koay said...

no mar sometimes menarik also to analyse dream
maybe i kena sexual abuse as a child then now my dream is trying to tell me sumthing leh...