Monday, 19 March 2007

Hair, Clothes & Girls

Due to extensive research Dr. Alberic Einstein have recently published his latest journal regarding the effect hair have on girls. The journal is called Bristles On The Animal's Kepala or simply called as B.O.T.A.K. Below are the findings :

Uncombed hair (like kelapa sawit) + Pajamas outfit :
Reaction : Wat is this crazy buffoon parading his pajamas in the tube?
Conclusion : The outfit will draw attraction, but thats about it

Uncombed hair + Jeans + FCUK shirt (control subject) :
Reaction : ... (none)
Conclusion : Trying to look bad-boy by wasting 20 on a FCUK tee is a waste of money

Uncombed hair + ZARA leather jacket :
*BOOooo!!! Animal protesters throwing rotten eggs at me*
Reaction : Who's that ... Oh just another guy trying to look cool
Conclusion : Yes ppl black leather jackets do the job, but bushy hair doesn't cut it

Gel-ed hair (with Loreal cream) + Jeans + FCUK shirt :
Reaction : ... (none, due to lack of attracting factor)
Conclusion : Looking great doesn't mean shit if girls are not looking

Gel-ed hair (with Loreal) + black ZARA leather jacket :
Reaction : Who's that hunk! Look at me! Look at me! *saliva dripping unknowingly*
Conclusion : The ultimate COMBO!! This is like Superman and Spiderman combined!

Botak + Jeans + FCUK shirt:
Reaction : Hello sir can I have Blood Diamond? DVD Rip pls... Wait, you sell DVD right?
Conclusion: Yes ppl our hair = respect. No hair = no respect.

Botak + ZARA jacket :
Reaction (from guys) : Don't look at him! He's going to beat me up! No dun steal my wallet!
Reaction (from girls) : Shit I should have worn my chastity belt! Im going to get raped .... *sob*
Conclusion : Automatic Mafia status regardless of gender.

So I guess I can look like a tai-kor with this botak-head.
But sadly it's not attracting the opposite gender as much as I would like it to.

Hair hair grow again,
I'll cut u off another day,
Hair hair grow again,
Coz little Eric want to play.


pp said...

huhuhu...i oso wan my hair 2 grow..i gatal gatal go cut my own hairr

ihsan_huhu said...

i alwayz botak.. ashley cole n gael clichy, thiery henry, galas, mawi..
all botaks