Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Votes for 'Shud I BOTAK-kan myself?'

Current score 36 said YES, 9 said NO

Those voted YES!

Foo - 4
Tien - 3
Eli - 2
Kien Ming - 1
Sally - 3
Thurston - 3
Aaron Wilson - 2
Ai Ling - 1
Pei Pei - 2
Eliza - 2
David Tai - 2
Kasha - 3
Helen - 4
Melonp - 3
Jen Ooi - 1

Those voted NO!

Matt - 2
Sarene - 1
Zulfadli - 4
Fatiha - 2


Anonymous said...

depends wether i get to b the one to shave ur head :)

once again,

Anonymous said...

Two votes YES!!
P/s- this is eliza!

pp said... syampoo..infact noneed syampoo..can donate urs to me when i go london..
can kurangkan kegatalan since ur frequency mandi rendah..

ihsan_huhu said...

after winter sesuai to botakkan kepala.. xsejuk lg..

Anonymous said...

Eh, since i kaki mahjong also i have another vote right? So here's one more YES vote...
Eh, make it more mencabar- do a mohawk (for at least one day ke...):P


Eric Koay said...

Now I know my frenz all like that wan... No one cares... I have no frenz... Nooo!!!

But I also memang wanna botakkan pun kekeke... Kasi warning dulu ar... Kenot simply sentuh2 bila sudak botak

- PC - said...

hey eric.. hows life in uk? btw.. since u oso hardly bath bek in penang, i suppose in uk lagi teruk la cos der very cold. so i agreed on BOTAKKAN ur head ok? save shampoo and water too.. hahaha..

Anonymous said...

yeay.. here i come with the shaverrrr..

Anonymous said...

so your kepala can shine better than the disco bola the next time we visit glo.