Sunday, 11 February 2007


Due to heavy campaigning, I have berjaya-ed to coax a few good men to join in my SPP. This rakan seperjuangan shall be given code-names Ramasamy and Zulfudli (I had to use nama samaran to protect their identity). The first agenda of SPP would be to clense the gym-room of spider cobwebs and kulat-kulat yg bermaharajalela sepanjang tahun. This is to say that the gym-room had been heavily under-utilised. Secondly a fund raising shall be underway to sponsor purchase of healthy food such as Sainsbury's Organic Eggs, which is obviously needed to build more actin and myosin so our muscles can undergo hypertrophy... WTF???!!! To make it easier, I'll quote Rocky Balboa : Yeh gotta eat egks ya kno' its like gud fer ya muscles ya kno'.

So anyways for the fundraising, we shall be charging 8 pounds per entry to anyone that wants to enter the gym to watch us work out. [Yes we know its rather expensive but its not often an opportunity like this comes by]. This brilliant idea struck me after attending UCL's M-nite. My wallet kena rogol 8 pds to watch ppl shake ass. An alternative would be to form a Floyer Gang and collect protection money from Floyerians... you better pay up or else we will go in your kitchen and steal your kuali, ice cream, oyster sos and throw ur telur all over the kitchen (unless its organic, we'll eat that).

With these super-plan underway there should be no stopping us achieving 6 packs in no time. Just for target's sake, I shall set the date of 13th July as the date my SPP shall officially be successfully completed. Gambate Rama-rama dan Zoofadli !!!!! (nama samaran sekali lagi)

... okay Rocky didn't say that I did... dun so cerewet lah yoh!!


Anonymous said...

semoga berjaya in ur spp
i come here wana promote my blog nia wakaka... now back to my diet..

hafiz said...

wei,bila mau start dei?i tak sabar alredi..i'm here to promote my blog,back to my Football Manager..

Eric Koay said...

cis! semue nak promote blog!
Tak boleh accept this kinda behaviour!! Okeh i also wanna promote my own blog in my own blog...
Siape siape yang beri comment for 3 blogs berturut-turut shall be given a spot in the HALL OF FAME!!!

Anonymous said...

keke.. ok ini comment 1st.. S-P-P= saya paling pendik.. ok JK..hope tak main kasar.. don menangis..

-MujedN- said...

u guys are so funny la...eric why u dont start the SPP
when i was around in london!! i dah balik baru nak buat ker? so sad!!!!
i wanna promote the :
sgt menarik ooooo.... eric keep update ok
i will read ur blog when im free
take care dude

ihsan_huhu said...

i dun wan to promote any blog...
my blog super lame n bosan... x percaye try la click my name here.

kantoi la buat ayat sendiri, bcoz as long as i remember, i never say anything about eating eggs... damn

Anonymous said...

why don't you put up the complete guidelines so that your spp program can become international ;p

me wan sixpack too!!!

I wanna promo oso


sarene said...

haha..SPP reminder: dun be tempted by "kelopi" hotdogs k...(i think u ate 3 in 1 hour last time right??)...tat one won't give muscle...only add triacylglycerol...

pp said...

wiuwittt..does it work??let me try..
oi..i oso wana join SPP ei..
Slim Pei Pei..
gud gud gud..

Anonymous said...

good joke helen, S-P-P = saya paling pendek. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. i shall remain anonymous for fear of ketidakpuasan hati of someone. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Wanster said...

hoi. kasi link my blog sikit la. promote zamrudian abit la. lim peh blog very little visitors now. ini macam pun boleh jadi comment. hahaha

Celest said...

see? your blog famous adi.... hahahaha. want 6-pack ar? wait la... i become D-cup first... hahahah (in other words... dream on la :P)

Eric Koay said...

kanineh!!! (hokkien swear word so won't be banned by blogspot)...
my blog become tempat promote blog!! even taliban aka ihsan also subtly promote... sedih dowh... i see 12 comments, so happy....actually all 12 also promote blog...

Jeremy Cheong said...

Watafalah! Make that 13! Nice blog going, so I'll just promote mine also :p
Happy Chinese New Year!