Wednesday, 7 February 2007

SPP (inspired by Rocky Balboa's body)

After winter is over I'm going to start on my SPP aka Six Pack Programme. This initiative was previously invented by The Man (with a capital M) aka Ang Choon Seong and his Banting roommate, me. As usual the SPP never got kick started due to many factors. This includes:

1) Pre-departion to London - must eat Msian food before go Ing Kok (England)
2) Exams in Queen Mary Uni - to study brain need food
Cold 2005 winter - only polar bear can run in winter, i am no polar bear
4) Dixie Fried Chicken - Chicken, 2 Lamb ribs, Fries + 3 Hot wings for
2.50 ONLYYY~!~!
5) Summer holidays in Malaysia - Panji kinchay tuateh(the man) + ko phi ko chi ko kelopi(pei2) which literally translate to - cheap and big portions + cheap, fresh and roadside stalls
6) Cold 2006 winter - watching Happy Feet doesn't make me a exercising penguin

Due to all this reasons, I'm sure many would agree I have a TOTALLY VALID (u argue i kick u) reason to delay my SPP. Therefore since I kenot find anymore reasons now, I shall start my SPP programme after winter is over.

PS: Or I could not and instead add a 7th reason for this time.


pp said...

jooommmm...u start spp, i start ssp la.super slimming program...kenot take it anymore..

Eric Koay said...

after winter
now too cold dei
when i see u that time sure kenot jin me liau

ihsan_huhu said...

after winter got musim bunga.. banyak debunga.. allergik, so kenot exercise oso..
then got summer, panas... nnti hitam n dehydrate.. oso kenot exercise
then got musim luruh, byk daun with ulat2 gugur, n dangerous if lari2, step on daun n slip.. mungkin boleh patah kaki or patah gigi.. oso kenot exercise....
(continue with the 6 excuses, again n again)


MuFFy said...

lol! go with the 7th reason lah .. workout = muscles, but but.. stop working out = muscles become fat.. apa pack pun hilang =P