Friday, 2 February 2007

Mystery Girl #5 (who izzzzeeettt???)

I recently noticed a certain someone has been curi-curi reading my blog. Also a prime suspect for leaving a comment then deleting it causing me deep agony trying to figure out what was written (I'm a curious person see...) But anyways... Its her bday TODAY So all is forgotten! Wow... So many bdays these few days... If i had 365 1/4 frens then I have an average of 1 bday every day. Sure pokai in no time... Will then have to resort to giving 10sen rubber as bday gift. If in London terpaksa give potato. So HaPPii BuRfDeIiiiI~!~! May you be happy as the two katak sitting on my tower rail (they're saying YAY~)


ihsan_huhu said...

weih, the wan i deleted was the same wan with the above.. terclick 2 kali so appear 2 la.. but the same wan.. dun worry.. u r still da MAN

pp said...

WAHAHA...PERAsan..Tot Got PEmiNat pula..

Eric Koay said...

itulah malu betul...
but then again kenot trust the taliban wan... maybe making up cerita dowh... ihsan = taliban

ihsan_huhu said...

woih.. aku manusia jujur b123.. kawasan perlepakan membuang kemucup...