Tuesday, 5 May 2009

The most important day... 2007 2002

Often people try to remember the first day that started it all. The first baby, the first time something happened, well to me, the first time I met her, is just as important as my birthday.

20th July 2002, was the first day I laid eyes on my super duper darling dear... JEANNE NG!!

It was the night to remember, the good, the funny, and some firsts for me and her.
Nothing huge happened that night*, nothing explosive or out of the ordinary, but that day meant alot to me because if not, I would have never met her and today we would never have known how much we could love each other.

Muacks dearies, loving you always, ... Dearbaks aka Eric K.

*well we did take a light stroll along Fort Cornwallis = D

1 comment:

─тїиyмοяпї ♥ ьΙоgiє— said...

something sweeeeeet happened..heehee..hugss!♥♥♥