Tuesday 5 May 2009


Many people know it by the name telepathy, or mind-reading, or psychic, but me and the MAN aka Ang Choon Seong just had another weird, yet not too surprising, BRAINWAVE.

This is my msn message : "SPP on, if no 6pax by july i harakiri"

*as usual, the man will be quick to respond when SPP is mentioned due to us carrying our saitor for nearly 2 decades, becoz of our NATO principles (No action, talk only).

Ang: says:
gong bin
i got 4 pacs liau ok

*gong bin = stupid face*

-- E R | C -- says:
u count khar chuing as pax?
and 2 breast

*2 butt + 2 breasts = 4 pax/pacs/packs*

Ang: says:

-- E R | C -- says:
i want like wolverine
badan macho

Ang: says:
i wanna be wolverine liau

~~BrAiNwAwE mOmEnT~~
*we both mentioned 'Wolverine' at the same milisecond*

Ang: says:
*super disbelief*

-- E R | C -- says:
brain wave

Ang: says:
super brain wave

-- E R | C -- says:
super far sumore

*so as usual we dont like to say bye bye so buntai aka the MAN gave a list of comments which I have reaarranged to look like Kübler-Ross's model, becoz even after all thats happened we still kenot believe can brainwave until so super... wanna brainwave also takkan chat the same thing at the same time... babi*

Ang: says:
SUPER MAX <-- Denial
if u girl i rape u liau <-- Anger
kannineh# <-- Bargaining (maybe not so)
so random <-- Depression
lemma <-- Acceptance

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