Friday, 4 May 2007

Evolving Tastebuds

Age -9 months - birth:
Feeding on nutrients via mum's umbelical chord
Age 1 - 3:
Age 4 - 12:
Rice + Daging + Vegatables (forced to eat by parents)
Age 13 - 18:
McD, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Nandos, Coke + Vegetables (STILL forced to eat by parents)
Age 19 - 22:
Rice + Daging + Vegetable (Willingly eat yum yum!)
So did all my parents' effort of 'Eat lah its good for u' finally managed to get the better of me? Or did my Ah Kong's 'lu bo ciak tan che eh bay pang sai' (if you don't eat, ur bowels are gonna hurt so bad that you'll understand the meaning of sodomy) finally scared me to LOVE vegetables? Guess its neither.

Somehow I just think its tasty and sweet and yummylicious! That's not the only thing my tastebuds have grown to like. Others include Garlic, Onions, Capcicum, Ginger, Prawns, Cucumber (nah just kidding, I still hate cucumber). These just are some questions Agent Moulder and Scully from X-Files would have to answer coz for once The Great Eric has no answer. Do you have one?

Interesting facts :
The first vegetable that marked my 'transition' stage from vege-hater to vege-lover was the Siau Pai Chai
I still pronounce Vegetable as weh-gee-tay-ble when it should be called whedge-ter-ble
I am going to the market at 6am later to get prawns ... sigh ... things I do for food


Eric Koay said...

Testing Testing 123

Phew, I thought my comments section got deleted in this new template. Looks like it just some bug which I'll never find out. Post away PPL!

Anonymous said...

hey, update la sikit.

- PC - said...

update la... sien nia...
