Tuesday, 20 March 2007


Say PMS and everyone knows wat you're talking about. Its the thing we say when
our girlfriends goes crazy and start whacking the car's windscreen with a baseball
bat. Or when our high school teacher starts screaming her head off at pupils not
listening to her. Or when your mum grounds you for no reason. Yes ppl, we're
talking about the same thing, Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.

The predicament here is, do guys have it too? I'm sure we guys have the occasional
mood swings and all. But how much of it is actually 'outside factor' rather than us
having erratic hormone release? These are a few (exaggerated) examples.

Day V
Sleeping sums up our day. We sleep from 12 hrs a day, wake up, do some stuff then
back to sleep. *FIRE ALARM* ... But still asleep. *Gets chased out by firemen, and
eventually fall back to sleep after the drill* Wake up, watch movie, back to sleep.
Eat dinner, back to sleep.

Day W
We don't sleep! I stay awake all day and nite and then off to Dim Sum. When we
actually fall asleep, we wake up feeling unhappy andd grumpy and angry with this
world. *Don't disturb me this time* Even if we do sleep, it's not the deep sleep we
want. Small noises wake us up.

*do not read this if you're offended by offensive language/stories*
Wake up. *censored*. Watch movie. *censored*. Eat. Then *censored*. Then *censored*
again then sleep. Some even go visit clubs hoping to score. I've seen lions on heat on
Discovery channel but this kind of days are just plain freaking weird. Those with
girlfriends/spouses, get some Mopiko/Vicks coz it bound to get sore.

Day Y or Why?
Day Y shall be attributed to days when our brain go into hyper-mode. We're no
longer the happy go lucky guys. We start asking ourselves weird questions. Like
' Why are my tears rolling down just listening to this song? ' ; ' Have I found true
love in Mary here? ' ; ' Should I tell my dad I love you before its too late?' ; and
' Who stole my cookies??? KNN MCB!! '. Omit last entry. This is the time period
when Shakespear wrote Sonnet 18. Or when we start forwarding junk mails to
our friends, (send this to 5-10 ppl and your true love will call u now!!) <-- I really hate that kinda emails.

Day Z

We become the ultimate house-husband. Cleaning dishes. Folding clothers straight
from the dryer. Heck! We'll even iron our underwears. Rearrange our furniture and
book and notes and then stand back and admire the newly cleaned room. Finish up
the assignment thats not due till nx month. Sadly, the downside is that when this
period runs out, the room becomes the Khatulistiwa jungle again. The flora(kulat)
and fauna(kutu/lice) blossoms again. Even the herba-herbi and cendawan start
growing on the left overs.

Yes I would have to conclude that even Men undergo PMS as well. So girls pls cut
us some slack. We're not the robot-like you think we are. We can cry too (when
cutting onions), we can be neat too (during day Z) and blame our hormones for
our fluctuating sex drives.

Tahukan anda : A pig's orgasm lasts for a whole 30 minutes. Lucky Pigs!


Anonymous said...


Eric Koay said...

okay mr. 'wicked' pls spare me the curiosity outburst and name yourself nx time. ARGH!!! *straightens tie* I'm okay now...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i am your father

ihsan_huhu said...


Anonymous said...

elephant = mother.
i am the father, the hairy big foot