Sunday, 28 January 2007


Okeh last nite was my first official sleepover... and the honour goes to the flat of the three muskateers...!! namely Nick Tee, Matthew Wong + David Tai's flat... we ended up playing RISK for 3 hrs... with David winning... and Matthew pasrah coz let David win... and then playing Bridge till 6am!! By 4am we were all on auto-pilot/zombie mode... (extremely sleepy but dun wanna sleep)... ohya Ben Young was there too... okay now its starting to get weird coz its my first blog and all u see are guy's names... So lets move on to a female(uuuuu...) subject!...

Helen was complaining to me today 'no one wants to follow me to Alia's party!' + 'Im very bored'! + 'Ur not listening to meEEE!!'... nothing different from the ordinary... nyahahahahaa... And my member Alia is turning 19 tomorrow... altho that doesn't mean she's getting more matured... but its still cool to have a kid around to kid around with... weeeeeeeeeeeeee... So heppi bday in advance... i'm assuming u'll read this cun cun on ur bday!!! Okay thats it for my first blog... If anyone wants football prediction just post here i'll giv u sure win bet!! confirm gila babi!! Kalau menang then i get 50%... kalau kalah siapa suruh bet?? HARAM TAU???


pp said...

typical.."you r so farny..hik hik..."

Anonymous said...

ur blog is funny... n colourful! wen i'm having a bad day i now know where 2 look 4 my fix. keep writing!!

Anonymous said...


Ang Choon Seong said...

i no need to blog alreadyla... sure no business wan...

- PC - said...

haha... 1st time blog not bad d..

eh ah bah.. in biz sure got win-win situation eh.. now u wan all win to urself nia wher can? u sure no biz la..

Anonymous said...

super colourful.. dan ayat2 buaya.