Tuesday, 30 January 2007


wahahaha..... malam ini is alia's bday.... helen and I made SARAWAK LAKSA for her... due to the sarawak laksa being so sedap... alia become extra hyper after that... for those that already kenal her then u'll faham her kegila-an... for those who don't, i'll briefly explain. Whole nite she keep on saying tipuu... tipuuuuuuuuu... tipuuuuuuuuuuuuu ... if its bihun.... then alia will go bihunnnn.... bihunnnnnnnnnn..... or udang... udanggggg... uuuuudanggggg..... me and helen agak sedih terpaksa melayan this NINETEEN year old punye kereneh.... (a year older but still the same alia lol).. if not that then she'll laff at the smallest joke (eg. hahahhahaahhahahaha) until bumbung nak jatuh.... okeh i'll add pictures so its easier to explain the kemeriahan.. ekeke... due to time wastage from updating pictures... i shall only update 1... bodoh punya floyer connection...

After the cake fighting session we had a few games of foosball... which the bday girl and i nearly won... chis bedebah zul and RAMA!! the score already 9-9 !!... due to my lack of konsentrasi rama managed to score the last goal... and then I menangis terbahak bahak and Alia ketawa teresak-esak... sedih gila babi wei...


ihsan_huhu said...

gila sedey.. still kebuaya-buayaan lg..

Des said...

oi mo-tech!

apa macam brader!